Connor Trinneer is 5' 11".
Peeta is played by Josh Hutcherson.
Connor Trinneer's birth name is Connor Wyatt Trinneer.
His IQ is 114.
The boy who was in 'Bridge to Terribithia' a while back, Josh Hutcherson, Plays Peeta Mellark(:<3
Connor Hutcherson's birth name is Connor Mason Hutcherson.
Connor Hutcherson is Josh Hutcherson's younger brother by two years.
Maybe you should ask Connor Hutcherson
Connor Hutcherson
Yes, they are.
Connor Hutcherson is 21 years old (born May 2, 1996).
Connor Mason Hutcherson
Yupp. :)
connor hutcherson
How can i know that ? lol :) One does not simply know where connor hutcherson goes to school :)
Josh Hutcherson's brother is Connor Hutcherson.
Connor hutcherson is 16