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The boy who was in 'Bridge to Terribithia' a while back, Josh Hutcherson, Plays Peeta Mellark(:<3

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12y ago

Josh Hutcherson played Peeta.

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Q: Who plays Peeta?
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Peeta Mellark is played by Josh Hutcherson.

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If you mean the actor that plays Peeta, it is Josh Hutcherson.

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Who plays Peeta Mellark in the hunger games?

Peeta is played by Josh Hutcherson.

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No, Josh Hutcherson plays Peeta Mellark

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Josh Hutcherson plays Peeta Mellark in the Hunger Games movie.

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His full name in the book is Peeta Mellark. The actor who plays him is Josh Hutcherson

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In the book it doesn't say, but Josh Hutcherson who plays Peeta Mellark in the movie, is supposedly 5"7.

Who plays Peeta mellark?

Peeta Mellark is played by actor Josh Hutcherson.

Who plays Peeta Mellark in hungr games?

Josh Hutcherson.

Who plays jess in bridge to teribithia?

Josh Hutcherson who currently plays Peeta in The Hunger Games.