Chris Griffin is a teenage character from the animated show Family Guy. Chris is five feet and seven inches tall.
Chris Clemons was born on October 30, 1981, in Griffin, Georgia, USA.
Chris was dating Kate Moss.
250 pounds
He has four. Chris, Megan, Stewie and Bertram (deceased).
Steven Carl Griffin is 6' 4".
Chris Griffin is a teenage character from the animated show Family Guy. Chris is five feet and seven inches tall.
Chris Clemons was born on October 30, 1981, in Griffin, Georgia, USA.
Mila Kunis voices Meg Griffin and Seth Greenvoices Chris Griffin .
Christopher Cross Griffin
Christopher Cross Griffin
Chris Griffin - North Dakota politician - was born on 1980-08-21.
Chris Griffin is a/an High school student , Former paperboy , Former Supervisor of Quahog Mini-Mart
Lindsay Griffin is 5'.
Chris Griffin's birthday is February 8th as stated in the episode German Guy Aired on Feb 20 2011.
She Is The Daughter Of Lois & Peter Griffin & Sister Of Chris & Stewie Griffin.
Chris is a dumb student and dumb in every other way like his dad Peter griffin. Chris is funny. He likes to mastrubate and spends his time in his room.