It's Vivi because in all the summaries they call him Vivi, so I think Bibi was just an error
Vivi Rau was born on December 7, 1951, in Denmark.
Vivi bory must be a stage name. Don't know who she is.
Vivi Kreutzberger's birth name is Vivian Kreutzberger Muchnick.
Animated emo characters. Bluefire is sitting on the ground with his legs in front of him, and Vivi is behind him on her knees hugging him. Bluefire is holding her arms.
Vivi Berens was born on December 12, 1961, in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Raimund Berens is 6' 5 1/2".
The cast of Glade Nymfer - 1978 includes: Susande as Skovnymfe Vivi Berens as Skovnymfe
Vivi Rodrigues is 163 cm.
Vivi Stafford is 5' 10".
Vivi Pineda is 168 cm.
Harold Berens's birth name is Harold Isadore Berens.
Hermann Berens was born in 1826.
Hermann Berens died in 1880.
Richard Berens was born in 1801.
Richard Berens died in 1859.
Fort Berens was created in 1859.