The cast of Glade Nymfer - 1978 includes: Susande as Skovnymfe Vivi Berens as Skovnymfe
The cast of Nachtangst - 2004 includes: Ken Duken as Rutger Herzog Martin Glade as Henrik Neumann Walter Kreye as Martin Sonnenberg Marie Zielcke as Anna Sonnenberg
The cast of One Increasing Purpose - 1927 includes: May Allison as Linda Travers Paris Gwynneth Bristowe as Mrs. Yeoman Lawford Davidson as Dr. Byrne Frank Elliott Emily Fitzroy as Mrs. Andiron Huntley Gordon as Andrew Paris Holmes Herbert as Charles Paris George Irving as Mr. Glade Lila Lee as Elizabeth Glade Edmund Lowe as Slim Paris Tom Maguire as Blinky Jane Novak as Alice Paris Alma Rubens Pat Somerset Nicholas Soussanin as Jule Josef Swickard as Old Gand
A Glade or a Clearing
snowcap glade
The cast of The Glade - 2012 includes: Adrienne Offutt as The Waitress
The cast of Kystartilleristens glade Liv - 1917 includes: Carl Alstrup
The cast of Soldatens glade Liv - 1910 includes: Victor Fabian
The cast of Den glade Enke - 1907 includes: Oda Alstrup Viggo Larsen
The cast of Flirt - 2000 includes: Sandra Borgmann Martin Glade
The cast of Studentens glade Liv - 1916 includes: Carl Alstrup Vita Blichfeldt Agnes Lorentzen Ingeborg Spangsfeldt
The cast of Glade jul - 2008 includes: Hauk Heyerdahl as Dad Adrian Larsen as Martin Ragnhild Udbye Lefstad as Mom
The cast of Glade Plug-Ins for Losers - 2008 includes: Crystal Delahanty Cody Melton John Robert Wilson
The cast of Den Glade Husmor - 2012 includes: Kari Benonisen as Den Glade Husmor Else Haslerud as Svigermor Simon Matthew Valentine as Chef-O-Matic 2000
The cast of Bademeister Paul - 2007 includes: Jens Glade as Der Schwimmmeister
The cast of Glade vrinsk - 1975 includes: Turid Haaland Willie Hoel Sverre Holm Rolf Just Nilsen Elsa Lystad Arve Opsahl
The cast of Den glade ambulance - 1970 includes: Hans Christian Johansen Harry Fonnest John Martinus Toni Rodian Avi Sagild Arne Seldorf