It is clear that Kandi is a straight up alto!
Kandi Burruss-Tucker is 41 years old (birthdate May 17, 1976).
Kandi is something ravers wear and exchange at raves. It is basically a colored bracelet with small beads or words spelled out promoting peace, love, unity, and respect Worn by kandi kids in excess.
Kandi Kash's birth name is Jessica Michelle Parker.
Kandi Kobain was born on August 3, 1985, in Dallas, Texas, USA.
Kandi Patterson is 5' 4".
Kandi Cream is 5' 6".
Disco Kandi was created in 2000.
Hed Kandi was created in 1999.
Qonsul Kandi's population is 603.
Taqi Kandi's population is 54.
Hasanali Kandi's population is 213.
Kord Kandi's population is 222.
The population of Kandi II is 10,465.
Kandi III's population is 8,590.
The population of Bak Kandi is 1,446.