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It is clear that Kandi is a straight up alto!

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Q: Do Kandi Burruss Sing alto or soprano?
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What Tones in a choir?

there is a soprano which is if you sing high and an alto if you sing low

Is Madonna's voice alto or soprano?

I believe Monica Is an alto 1 :) highest alto part ;)

Does Kevin Jonas sing alto or soprano?

He's a Bass.

Can alto singers sing soprano songs?

only on wednesdays

Can a female singer be an alto or is that term reserved solely for male singers?

yes females can sing alto too and males can sing soprano too.

What kind of voice does singer Jennifer Hudson have like a soprano or alto?

During a movie clip she told the audience that she was first soprano.

Is pavarotti an alto or soprano?

she is an alto due to her throaty voice/low vibrato, but can go easily into a "falsetto"/"head voice" that can be mistaken for a soprano.

Is Miley Cyrus an alto or a soprano?

She's either an alto or a second soprano!

How can you sing in harmony with your cousin if you are a first soprano and she is an alto?

If your alto cousin sings her part a fifth lower, at appropriate intervals, you will be singing harmony.

What is Meaning of Alto and Soprano?

Alto and Soprano are voice parts, along with tenor, baritone and bass. Each part sing in a different pitch range; Soprano is the highest, then alto, tenor, baritone and bass. Tenor, baritone, and bass are traditionally sung by men, while the other two are sung by women.

Is Carrie Underwood a soprano or an alto?

I'd say she's an alto. Correction: She is a mezzo soprano which is in between Alto and Soprano. Basically she can hit high and low notes. But not as high as a soprano or as low as an alto.

Why do a lot of people sing bass or alto in church and you want to sing but cant cause your a first soprano what to do cause everyone cracks on the high notes and you dont should you sing or not?

If you can hit the notes, then definitely sing. And be proud that you can sing first soprano. That's an awesome position to be in in a choir. loads better than a boring bass, tenor or alto that just get drowned out by the rest of the choir.