As of July 2011, Justin Bieber is 17 years old and is 5'6. He has been this height since he was 16 and hasn't grow since the summer of 2010.
well if you want to know Justin bieber is 16 on march 1st 2010
Justin Bieber was 15 now he is 16 years of age
Justin bieber was 16 yeards old when he meet Selena Gomez , (Justin bieber and Selena Gomez is married together!)
Justin's half sister's name is Jazmyn Kathleen Bieber-Wagner. Justin also has a brother whose name is Jaxon Julian Bieber-Wagner. Jazmyn is 13 years younger then him. She is 4 and Justin is 17 years old.
Justin Bieber's birthday occurs every year (including leap years) on March 1st.
The age of Justin Bieber's new girlfriend is 17 years old and she is older then Justin.
Justin Bieber's mom did not have a baby at the age of 19. Pattie Mallette was only 17 years old when she gave birth to Justin.
Justin Bieber was born March 1st 1994 And is Turning 17 the year witch is 2011
Hitting puberty at the age of 17
Justin Bieber Is 17 Years Old
Yes he is, he is 17! Luv u Justin xxx
Justin Bieber's mom got pregnant with him at the age of 17.
Justin bieber is 15
No, Justin Bieber is 17 years old.
Selena is 18 and Justin is turning 17. Who cares about age. You are just saying that because you are jealous. And besides you don't choose who she dates and who Justin beiber dates.
well if you want to know Justin bieber is 16 on march 1st 2010
68% of girls under the age of 17.