Justin Bieber's birthday occurs every year (including leap years) on March 1st.
Celebrity relationships are personal and change to often but his last girlfriend was Caitlin Beadles who got in a terrible boating accident
at the moment there are no 13 year old male celebrities that i know of but the youngest male celebrity is diggy simmons hes 15 right now
Contrary to popular belief, Justin's ex-girlfreind, Caitlin Beadles, did not die. She was, however seriously injured in a boating accident, I believe involved JetSkis. She is alive and well right now, living in Atlanta, GA with her 14 year old brother, Christian. Look them up on YouTube, they're hilarious! (:
Justin Bieber
His human birthday is June 20, 1901. His vampire birthday is in the year 1918 but the specific day is not specified.
Justin's birthday is on March 1st and the year is 1994.
April 3
Justin Bieber's mom's birthday is on April 2,1976. Justin Bieber's dad's birthday is on June 4. Sorry I don't know the year.
he was born November 20th 2009It's sometime this year.
Well, Justin Bieber does not have a sister :/ duhh.
Things important to a 14 year old.
doing a birthday party for leap year
Christian Beadles is Justin Biebers best friend, lives in Atlanta, Georgia, his birthday is November 21, he turned 15 this year, and has a younger and older sister.
november 10th