Huntz Hall was born on August 15, 1919 and died on January 30, 1999. Huntz Hall would have been 79 years old at the time of death or 95 years old today.
Navarro Hall is 5' 9".
Pooch Hall is an actor and model known for his role on the BET television show the game. He weighs 185 pounds.
They were Billy Halop, who was the leader of the gang, Leo Gorcey, the quintessential little wise-ass, Bobby Jordan, the baby-faced innocent of the group, Huntz Hall, the gawky guy who everyone else seemed to enjoy smacking, Gabriel Dell, the curly-headed wise guy, and Bernard Punsly, the quiet one.
Topher George is 5' 11".
Huntz Hall's birth name is Hall, Henry Richard.
Huntz Hall was born on August 15, 1919.
Huntz Hall was born on August 15, 1919.
Huntz Hall died on January 30, 1999 at the age of 79.
huntz hall lived on east 30th street between 1st and 2nd avenue, same street Vincent albano did.
Steve Huntz is 6 feet 1 inches tall. He weighs 204 pounds. He bats left and throws right.
Steve Huntz was born on 1945-12-03.
Steve Huntz was born December 3, 1945, in Cleveland, OH, USA.
The Dead End Kids
Gracie Hall is 4'.
Lemanski Hall is 6'.
Thurston Hall is 6'.