Evan Dando is an American musician and lead singer of a band called The Lemonheads. Evan stands 1.92 m tall.
Evan Dando's birth name is Evan Griffith Dando.
Jill Dando was born on November 9, 1961 and died on April 26, 1999. Jill Dando would have been 37 years old at the time of death or 53 years old today.
Evan McGivern is 5' 8".
Evan Freed is 6' 1".
Evan Scott Moore is 5' 8".
Evan Dando's birth name is Evan Griffith Dando.
Evan Dando was born on March 4, 1967.
Evan Dando was born on March 4, 1967.
Evan Dando is 43 years old (birthdate: March 4, 1967).
Shawn Dando is 6'.
Carolyn Dando is 5' 7".
Susanne Dando is 5' 4".
It depends how you define "The Lemonheads." The original threesome formed in the 1980s is no longer together. Different variations of the band released albums over the years -- with Evan Dando being the only consistent member. On the most recent album, after going solo, Evan Dando pulled together two friends and released another "Lemonheads" album and went on a "Lemonheads" tour. People joke that the Lemonheads are simply Evan Dando and whoever happens to be playing an instrument on stage (or on album) with him. Regardless, they rock.
Jill Dando was born on November 9, 1961 and died on April 26, 1999. Jill Dando would have been 37 years old at the time of death or 53 years old today.
Evan Rochelle is 6'.
Evan Kopczyk is 6'.
Evan Feldman is 6'.