Carole Leete's birth name is Carole Yvonne Leete.
Carole is healthy and alive.
Carole King married to Gerry Goffin from 1959 to 1968 Carole King married to Charles Larkey from 1970 to 1976 Carole King married to Rick Evers in 1977 Carole King married to Rick Sorenson from 1982 to 1989
Carole C. Noon died in 2009.
Carole King was born on February 9, 1942.
The population of Saint-Derrien is 716.
André Derrien died in 1994.
Denise Carole is 6'.
The population of La Roche-Derrien is 1,064.
The area of Saint-Derrien is 12.28 square kilometers.
Marcelle Derrien died on November 2, 2008.
Carole Baillien is 163 cm.
Carole Lorimer is 5' 2".
Carole Schmitt is 175 cm.
Carole Elliott is 5' 3".
Carole DuBois is 168 cm.
Carole Catanzaro is 5' 7".