Candy Loving's birth name is Candis Loving.
Carole Underwood.
Carole is healthy and alive.
Carole King married to Gerry Goffin from 1959 to 1968 Carole King married to Charles Larkey from 1970 to 1976 Carole King married to Rick Evers in 1977 Carole King married to Rick Sorenson from 1982 to 1989
Carole C. Noon died in 2009.
Carole Leete died on July 19, 1985, in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Carole Mallory's birth name is Wagner, Carole.
Carole Gill's birth name is Carole Dowling.
Carole Farley's birth name is Carole Ann Farley.
Carole Douglas's birth name is Carole J. Douglas.
Carole Fox's birth name is Carole Ann Wilken.
Carole Bonastre's birth name is Carole Jeanne Bonastre.
Carole Pavlik's birth name is Teresa Carole Pavlik.
Carole Navarro's birth name is Carole Lee Dreyfus.
Carole Middleton's birth name is Carole Elizabeth Goldsmith.
Carole Roussopoulos's birth name is Carole Roussopoulos de Kalbermatten.
Carole Swearingen's birth name is Carole Ann Van de Woestyne.