Alex ter Avest's birth name is Alexandria Lauren ter Avest.
Alex ter Avest was born on February 15, 1993, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.
Sydney ter Avest was born on August 1, 1996, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.
Sydney ter Avest goes by Syd.
Berthil ter Avest was born on 1970-11-19.
Ina ter Avest has written: 'Kinderen en God verteld in verhalen' -- subject(s): Religious education of children, Comparative studies, Image of God
Johanna ter Steege is 5' 6".
Rebecca ter Mors is 172 cm.
Alex Porter is 2.06 metres tall.
Alex is 6 feet, 3 inches tall
Alex is 6 feet, 3 inches tall
Alex Haley was 6 feet 6 inches tall.