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hi, i had an intracerebral hemorrhage 3 yrs ago. I was told i could fly when ever i felt ready too( im also allowed to go on Roller Coasters! lol)

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Q: How soon can you fly after intracerebral hemorrhage?
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What is the icd 9 code for thalamic hemorrhage?

431 is the code for intracerebral hemorrhage. That would include thalamic hemorrhage.

What is an intracerebral hemmorhage?

An intracerebral hemorrhage is bleeding in the brain. This describes a specific area in the brain. A bleed in the brain is life threatening.

What is anintracerebral hemorrhage?

Intracerebral hemorrhage affects vessels within the brain itself, while subarachnoid hemorrhage affects arteries at the brain's surface, just below the protective arachnoid membrane.

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Umetsugu Inoue died on February 11, 2010, in Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan of Intracerebral hemorrhage.

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Intracerebral hemorrhage affects vessels within the brain itself, while subarachnoid hemorrhage affects arteries at the brain's surface, just below the protective arachnoid membrane.

Is Cerebral amyloid angiopathy a hereditary disease?

No. The most common cause of intracerebral hemorrhage is high blood pressure (hypertension).

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Lenticulostriate arteries is when the penetrating vessels that travel upwards the supply the basal ganglia and most of the internal capsule. The small arteries are susceptible to damage from the hypertensionthe cause of that may rupture and end up is an intracerebral hemorrhage.

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As soon as you can walk.

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They can fly as soon as they fledge. The parents will fly and swoop with them though.

How soon after having a pacemaker fitted can you fly?

its kind of imposable to fly after a pacemaker it in u