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they were never married they broke up when justin was 10 months old

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Sa mère est 40 ans et son père est 41 ans.

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Q: How old were Justin biebers parents when they got married?
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How was justin biebers mom when she got married?


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That's her maiden name because she got married and changed it

What was justin biebers moms name before she got married?

Jb moms last name before she got married to his dad is malltte

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No, his dad did not die. His parents got a divorce.

What was Justin's family?

in justin biebers family at first his mom got married when justin was a baby then she deviced her first husband and now justin is 17 and has a new dad that he loves very much.

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Did you know my nieghbor s friend got married with Justin beiber i don't know her name so don't ask me .they got marries in my space

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they say that she got a tatoo of Justin biebers initials,, but i don't know if its actually true.

Are Justin Bieber's parents married?

Well Justin Bieber's parents got divorced when Justin was 10 months old

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Justin's contract never did get cancled he got singed by Usher

What age did Justin biebers mom got peragnent with hem?

when she was 18......

Does miley get a tattoo of Justin Biebers initials?

no, if she got a tattoo it would be abut her ex Justin gaston

How old was Justin biebers mom when she was pregneant with him?

Justin Bieber's mom got pregnant with him at the age of 17.