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She was 17

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Q: How old was Hannah in The Devils Arithmetic book and in the movie?
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In the book the devils arithmetic what did Hannah dream about and why?

that she went back in time and she was in the holocaust and she has to cut her hair and her new name was chaya.

Who was Chaya in the book Devils arithmetic?

In the book "Devil's Arithmetic," Chaya is the alter ego or earlier incarnation of the main character, Hannah. Chaya represents Hannah's Jewish identity during the Holocaust, while Hannah represents her modern American Jewish identity. Through a mysterious time travel experience, Hannah is transported back in time to a concentration camp where she takes on the persona of Chaya.

What is the theme of the book the devil's arithmetic?

The theme is: the importance of remembering. At the beginning; Hannah refuses to remember, but at the end she is begging Rivka to remember for her.the theme of "The Devils Atrithmatic" is about the Holocaust

Whose wedding is it in the book the devils arithmetic?

It is Fayge's and Shmuel's wedding

What is the name of the girl Hannah died with in the movie the Devil's Arithmetic?

If you are talking about Hannah herself, in 1942, it would be Chaya. However, according to the book, Hannah (Chaya) died with two girls, Shrife, and Esther.

Who are the main characters in chapters 1-3 in the Book devils arithmetic?

Hannah Stern, Grandpa Will, Grandma Belle, Aunt Rose, Aunt Eva, Aaron, Mrs. Stern, Mr. Stern

Where did grandpa will and grandma Belles apartment in the devils arithmetic?

In the book "The Devil's Arithmetic" by Jane Yolen, Grandpa Will and Grandma Belle's apartment is in Brooklyn, New York. It is where the main character, Hannah, often visits her grandparents and learns about her family's history.

Where can i get questions and answers to Devils Arithmetic?

I would suggest going to the “Literature” section of Answers, as “Devil’s Arithmetic” has nothing to do with basic arithmetic (I believe, for I have not read the book).

In the book The Devils Arithmetic why was chaya now living with her Aunt Gitl and Uncle Shmuel?

Chaya, otherwise known as Hannah, was living with her Aunt Gitl and Uncle Shmuel because her parents died. She came to live with them and by then she was recovering from being sick

Who is aunt rose in the book the devils arithmetic?

Aunt Rose, is one of Hannah's aunts that gets the chills or gets cold super quick. For more info. call: 678-559-5420 ask for Sarah Yitreaz