According to Appendix B of The Return of the King, Frodo was born September 22, 2968. When we first meet him, he is just turning 33. 17 years later, during the Quest, he is 50. When Frodo sails for the Grey Havens, three years after Sauron's destruction, he is 53. His date of death is not given.
No. Elijah Wood played Frodo in The Lord of the Rings and Augustus Prew played Robin De Noir in The Secret of Moonacre.
According to the description given by Gandalf to Butterbur in LotR I: "'<i>A stout little fellow with red cheeks</i>,' said Mr. Butterbur solemnly. Pippin chuckled, but Sam looked indignant. '<i>That won't help you much; it goes for most hobbits. Barley,</i> he says to me,' continued Mr. Butterbur with a glance at Pippin. '<i>But this one is taller than some and fairer than most, and he has a cleft in his chin: perky chap with a bright eye.</i> Begging your pardon, but he said it, not me.'"
Gandalf is played by Sir Ian McKellen, a British film and theater actor in all three Lord of the Rings films.Sir Ian McKellen played Gandalf in all three Lord of the Rings films.Ian_McKellen
"Gandalf", "Greyhame", "Stormcrow" and "Mithrandir" are all just names that people of Middle-earth have given to the Maia spirit Olórin. Olórin, acting as one of the five Istari or Wizards, came to Middle-earth in the form of an old man to counsel the people of Middle-earth against Sauron.For interest's sake, "Gandalf" comes from Scandinavian, "Greyhame" and "Stormcrow" are obviously English renditions, and "Mithrandir" is Elvish for "Grey-wanderer".
He is listed as 5'6" (167.6 cm) but this may be slightly exaggerated. He appears shorter than other actors of that confirmed height, although this could be deliberate for a role.He is likely somewhere between 164-166 cm (5' 4.5'' to 5' 5.4'') somewhat shorter than Sean Astin but slimmer.Elijah Woods is 5' 6" (1.68 m) tall.
Elijah Wood played Frodo Baggins in Lord of the Rings.
Frodo Baggins who was played by Elijah Wood.
Frodo Baggins
Sir Ian Holm played Bilbo Baggins in the most recent film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings.Martin Freeman played Bilbo Baggins in 'The Hobbit' movies.
Frodo Baggins was played by Elijah Wood.
The part of the cannibal was played by *Elijah Wood as Kevin .*Frodo Baggins .
Frodo Baggins.
Lord of the Rings
I'm sure many people wanted to play Frodo Baggins. Elijah Wood was the actual actor who played him, though.
Elijah plays Frodo in all three movies by Peter Jackson.
No. Elijah Wood played Frodo in The Lord of the Rings and Augustus Prew played Robin De Noir in The Secret of Moonacre.
Elijah Wood was born on 28 January 1981.