Heart Attack
Karen Connolly is 46 years old (born March 12, 1969).
Kara Connolly's birth name is Kara Alise Connolly.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Brian Wozniak is -- years old.
Brian Paddick is 53 years old (birthdate: April 24, 1958).
US actor Kevin Connolly is 44 years old (birthdate: March 5, 1974). US voice actor Kevin M. Connolly is 44 years old (birthdate March 15, 1974).
Brian Connolly was born on October 5, 1945.
Brian Connolly was born on October 5, 1945.
Maureen Connolly died on June 21, 1969 at the age of 34.
Brian Connolly died on February 9, 1997 at the age of 51.
Cyril Connolly was born on September 10, 1903 and died on November 26, 1974. Cyril Connolly would have been 71 years old at the time of death or 111 years old today.
James Connolly was born on June 5, 1868 and died on May 12, 1916. James Connolly would have been 47 years old at the time of death or 147 years old today.
Maureen Connolly was born on September 17, 1934 and died on June 21, 1969. Maureen Connolly would have been 34 years old at the time of death or 80 years old today.
Heart Attack
Brian Connolly
31 years
Brian Clough died on September 20, 2004 at the age of 69.