As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Brian Wozniak is -- years old.
Brian Setzer is 58 years old (birthdate: April 10, 1959).
Brian Langtry is 35 years old (birthdate: May 16, 1976).
Brian Mannix is 49 years old (birthdate: October 7, 1961).
Brian Deegan is 42 years old (birthdate: May 9, 1975).
Brian Paddick's birth name is Brian Leonard Paddick.
Brian Paddick was born on April 24, 1958.
Brian Paddick was born on April 24, 1958.
Hugh Paddick was born on August 22, 1915 and died on November 9, 2000. Hugh Paddick would have been 85 years old at the time of death or 99 years old today.
Hugh Paddick died on November 9, 2000 at the age of 85.
John Paddick was born in 1943.
Hugh Paddick was born on August 22, 1915.
Hugh Paddick was born on August 22, 1915.
Paul Paddick was born on 1967-02-16.
Hugh Paddick died on November 9, 2000 at the age of 85.
Luke Paddick is the coolest boy you will ever meet but he is still not cooler than Billie
Brian Hall is now 65 years old.