sierra aylina mcclain is 18 years old and was born march 16th 1994 in decatur , Georgia .
China Anne's sisters, Sierra Aylina McClain and Lauryn Alisa McClain,her older sister name is lauryn mcclain and her oldest sister name is sierra mcclain and her youngest brother name is lil' gabriel mcclain
China Anne McClain was born in 13 August 25,1998, who will be 14 in October, Lauryn McClain was born in 15 January 9,1997, who is now 15, and Sierra McClain was born in March 16,1994 is 18 years old.
Lauryn McClain is 20 years old. She was born on January 9, 1997.
China Anne McClain is 13,sierra McClain is 18, and Lauryn McClain is 15. (China Anne McClain is also on A.N.T show!)
US actress Sierra McClain is 23 years old (born March 16,1994).
Sierra Aylina McClain was born on March 16, 1994.
March 16
the oldest lauren .. the 2nd oldest sierra .. and china .. the youngest zoey .. you can find them on facebook .. sierra aylina mcclain ... zoey martin ....
Sierra Aylina McClain is the oldest sister among the McClain girls.
China Anne's sisters, Sierra Aylina McClain and Lauryn Alisa McClain,her older sister name is lauryn mcclain and her oldest sister name is sierra mcclain and her youngest brother name is lil' gabriel mcclain
sierra anne mcclain 15
Aylina is her middle name (pronounced "alaina")
Yes she does! She has two sisters, Sierra Aylina McClain and Lauryn Alisa McClain. China is the youngest girl; however, she has a baby brother, Gabriel Jon Christian McClain. There are four McClain children including China Anne.
China Anne McClain was born in 13 August 25,1998, who will be 14 in October, Lauryn McClain was born in 15 January 9,1997, who is now 15, and Sierra McClain was born in March 16,1994 is 18 years old.
Lauryn McClain is 20 years old. She was born on January 9, 1997.
Gabriel McClain is 16 years old (birthdate April 17, 2001).He is the brother of actresses China, Lauryn, and Sierra McClain.