9 morrnigton place/ crescent
after shelter kills his recruits he places them in a line like in the army underneath the floor boards where it is dark and cold so they don't smell and give their hiding place away.
he is a horrible guy and is a killer but In a sneaky way but first he seems nice
Cold Stone Austin injured his knee in a W.W. F match.
There are two MAIN characters in the book stone cold and they are Shelter and Link.
There has been only one STone Cold and that is Steve Austin
9 morrnigton place/ crescent
lived in caves
Stone Cold Steve Austin is 53 years old (birthdate: December 18, 1964).
Stone Cold Steve Austin is 53 years old (birthdate: December 18, 1964).
The same way modern man does. Shelter, clothing and fire.
Shelter named his army: The Camden Horizontals
because he to old
very cold!!
15 and up
after shelter kills his recruits he places them in a line like in the army underneath the floor boards where it is dark and cold so they don't smell and give their hiding place away.