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Roc Royal is 14 in 2012.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: How old is rocroyal in 2012?
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How old will roc royal on his biRthday in 2012?

Rocroyal will be 15 on july 23,2012

How old is rocroyal now?

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Who is12 or 13 in mindless behavior for 2012?


How old is prodigy priston rayray and rocroyal from mindless behavior?

prodigy is 15 rayray is 15 rocroyal is 15 PRISTON IS 15

How old is rayray rocroyal prodigy and Princeton from mindless behavior?

Everyone in Mindless Behavior are 13 at the moment. Prodigy is the oldest, then ray ray, then princeton and rocroyal.

Is rocroyal 12?

No Roc Royal is not 12 years old...Where have u been...he is 16 years old

Did rocroyal cut his hair?

yes rocroyal cut his hair

What is rocroyal number?

what is rocroyal from mindless behavior real number

Is rocroyal dating beauty?

Yes because rocroyal kiss her and she liked it

How old your mindless behavior now?

prodagy-16 princtieon-14 ray-ray-13 rocroyal-12

What is the boys from mindless behavior ages?

In 2012 Princeton is:15 RocRoyal:14( until july) 23.Rayray:15 Prodigy:15

Does rocroyal have a girlfriend?

no, but he is looking