In Episode 4, Luke is 19 years old. And since he and Leia are twin brother and sister, they are the exact same age. They were 22 in Episode 5 and 23 in Episode 6.
in episode 6 when they destroyed the second death star and that luke skywalker beat the emperor
AnswerMark Hamill played Luke in episodes 4, 5, and 6.Aiden Barton played him as a baby at the end of episode 3.Mark Hamil played luke skywalker in star wars episode 4, 5, and 6. The star wars was very exciting as Hamil played it, providing you with a sense of awesomeness into the trilogy.
He has not died yet. The above statement is incorrect. Although the New Jedi Order isn't sure when he died, they do know he did. It took place sometime between 44-137ABY. I remember when he died because I was friends with him in a past life 621 something millions years ago. As you know from episode 3 Yoda says Kwigon has learned the path to immortality. Like Obi Won, Luke and I got trained from Kwigon and lived for 903 years. The longest anyone has ever lived from following all the details Kwigon knew of the path to immortality.
Approx. 900 years.--- He states that "When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not."Answer:^Yes, he was nearly 900. But his precise age was 896.
Luke Skywalker shot his proton torpedoes at the Death Star's 2 meter wide emergency shaft at the end of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Han Solo also cleared the shot for Luke when 3 TIE Fighters were after him. Han destroyed 2 and then disabled Darth Vader's, which sent Vader into a spiral.
Darth Vader is approximately 45 years old in "Episode VI: Return of the Jedi." He was born as Anakin Skywalker in "Episode I: The Phantom Menace" and turned to the dark side in "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith."
From what I know, Luke learned more about the old Jedi Order and created a new one. You can find out more on Wookieepedia.
Luke Skywalker was named by his mother Amidala at the end of Episode 3 at his birth.Luke was played by Mark Hamill in Episode 4,5 and 6.
The name of the episode on Dukes of Hazzard when everybody thinks Bo and Luke were dead was "The Ghost of the General Lee" on season 2, episode 6.
Return of the Jedi | Episode 6
Luke Ravenstahl is 31 years old (birthdate: February 6, 1980).
On Tatooine in Episode 4, Luke is attacked by Tusken Raiders while retrieving R2D2 when the droid ran off in the night. On the Death Star in Episode 4, Luke is attacked by the Dianoga in one of the Death Star's trash compactors. On Hoth in Episode 5, Luke is attacked by the Wampa while in the snow looking for a crashed metorite. On Tatooine in Episode 6, Luke is dropped into the Rancor's pit below Jabba the Hutt's main audience chamber.
45 inches = 114.3 cm.There was an old measure, the ell, which was 6 hand breadths. This was "standardised" to 45 inches.45 inches = 114.3 cm.There was an old measure, the ell, which was 6 hand breadths. This was "standardised" to 45 inches.45 inches = 114.3 cm.There was an old measure, the ell, which was 6 hand breadths. This was "standardised" to 45 inches.45 inches = 114.3 cm.There was an old measure, the ell, which was 6 hand breadths. This was "standardised" to 45 inches.
Yes, Luke is. Watch Episode 6 when Luka and Vader are walking up the steps in the Death Star. Luke's head comes to Vader's shoulder, and Vader was about 7 or 8 ft. tall.
In the movies themselves it is Luke Skywalker. However, there are many spin-offs set after episode 6 in which Luke has started a new Jedi order.
in episode 6 when they destroyed the second death star and that luke skywalker beat the emperor