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Approx. 900 years.

--- He states that "When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not."


^Yes, he was nearly 900. But his precise age was 896.

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12y ago
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9y ago

"In Episodes 1-3, Yoda is around 200-300. In Episode 6, he dies at 900."

That is incorrect. When Yoda passed away in Episode Six he said he was "Almost 900 years old". Episode Five took place one year before Episode Six and Episode 4 was 3 years before Episode Five. So while we dont actually know Yoda's age we can assume he was pretty close to 900 at the time of his death. So Yoda was: 900 years old in Episode 6 (we're rounding up), 899 years old in Episode 5, and 896 years old in Episode 4.

Episode One: The Phantom Menace, happened around 32 years before the events of Episode Four: A New Hope. This puts Yoda at 864 years of age at the time of Episode One. There is a ten year gap between Episode One and Episode Two: Attack of the Clones, so Yoda was aprox. 874 years old during Episode Two. The Clone Wars lasted three years, culminating with the events of Episode Three: Revenge of the Sith. Yoda at this point in time would have been around 877 years of age.

Of course all of these calculations are based on the belief that Yoda was only days or months away from his 900th birthday before his death; its actually impossible to know his exact age because George Lucas hasn't revealed that information. Still, this is as good as it gets without actually knowing

Yoda died at exactly 900 years of age. In Star Wars episode 1, he was 865.

During the events of Revenge of the Sith, Yoda was 877 years old. In Return of the Jedi, he died at the age of 900 and that timeframe is 4 years after A New Hope.

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13y ago

900 im sure he died at dagobah in front of luke. i remember him saying coming upon me twilight is erest i must and he tells luke their is another skywalker before he dies that skywalker is leia. ben kenobi (obi wans name when he is in exile in tattoine tells luke how Vader is his father) obi wan is my favorite jedi. luke and leia r brother and sister and they r twins. hope this helped.

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14y ago

He actually died in episode 6.But my best guess is 900

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13y ago

Around 45.

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15y ago

He was 900

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