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In the first episodes Yugi is 16 or 17. Joey, Tristan, Yugi, Tea, Bakura and Kaiba are at the same age, because they're all at the same grade in school. 10th grade. And the story goes over 2 years, so at the end Yugi is 18 or 19.

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10y ago
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12y ago

In the first season he is 15 then as each season passes he ages by one year so in season 2 he is 16 and so one.

The previous answer only stated he was 14 when one the first episodes of seasons 2 and 3 they always claimed it was a new year of Duel academy so he must age by a year.

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14y ago

He himself is actually a 5000 year old spirit.

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14y ago

I believe that if yami is in Japan he is three-hundred-years-old.

In America he is five-hundred

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15y ago

Lol It doesnt say it..You can go to wikipedia or yugioh wikia bb He is in tenth grade! 15 YRS old!

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12y ago

For Japan it is 12 years old. For US it is 11 years old.

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14y ago

nice question im like a jay know it all when he first enters DA hes 16 that was first year second year 17 graduation year 18 basically he leaves as a nice young adult

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12y ago

16. It tells you in the first episode

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Q: How old is Yugi from YU-GI-OH?
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well im dark madi the third. i fourth level gokniod and no he was not. he was summoned to the dragon spirit of gandoe.

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