US astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson is 47 years old (birthdate: August 14, 1969).
She was 21 years old when she started to be an actor in Tracy beaker returns
Tracy Newman (twin sister of Laraine Newman) is 64 years old (born March 2, 1952).
I believe she is 23
Spencer Tracy died on June 10, 1967 at the age of 67.
Singer/Songwriter, Bobby Caldwell is not related to anyone by the name of Ty Caldwell.
Tracy Caldwell was born on August 14, 1969.
Tracy Caldwell was born on August 14, 1969.
Jim Caldwell is 62 years old. He was born on January 16, 1955.
Mike Caldwell is 62 years old (birthdate: January 22, 1949).
Zoe Caldwell is 83 years old (birthdate: September 14, 1933).
Kimberly Caldwell is 35 years old (birthdate: February 25, 1982).
Bobby Caldwell is 65 years old (birthdate: August 15, 1951).
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Andre Caldwell is 29 years old.
L. Scott Caldwell is 61 years old (birthdate: April 17, 1950).
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NBA season, Kentavious Caldwell-Pope is 21 years old.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NBA season, Kentavious Caldwell-Pope is 21 years old.
Tracy Becker is 21.