Temitope Balogun "T.B." Joshua is 54 years old (birthdate June 12, 1963).
Yes, his wife is Evelyn Joshua. She also ministers at The Synagogue, with a ministry of reconciliation. He also has children who can be seen among the child preachers on Emmanuel TV.
Joshua Kadison is 48 years old (birthdate: February 8, 1963).
Joshua Redman is 42 years old (birthdate: February 1, 1969).
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain was born on September 8, 1828 and died on February 24, 1914. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain would have been 85 years old at the time of death or 186 years old today.
US singer Josh Levi (of X-Factor) is 19 years old (born Joshua Levi Bolden, October 7, 1998).Australian Rugby player Joshua "Josh" Levi is 38 years old (born July 14, 1979).
You can contact TB Joshua on info@scoan.com or info@emmanuel.tv
i am not understanding what i should do to be answered on this question of how to get registered on tb joshua's prayer line
4 girls
Most of his teaching is in line with teaching of Catholic Church and contrary to protestant teachings.Almost all protestant denominations in Nigeria do not support TB Joshua very often pastors are accusing TB Joshua of being occult man..Catholic AnswerNo, TB Joshua is a Christian minister, televangelist and faith healer according to Wikipedia, he is by no means a Catholic.
Yes, his wife is Evelyn Joshua. She also ministers at The Synagogue, with a ministry of reconciliation. He also has children who can be seen among the child preachers on Emmanuel TV.
only him and God sabi