You can contact TB Joshua on or
#include<iostream> using namespace std; #include<conio.h> void main() { char m[100]; int units[100],i,j,n; float x,tb; cout<<"enter the total number of bills to be calculate:\n"; cin>>n; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { cout<<"\nenter the name \n:==>"; cin>>m; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<"\nenter the total units consumed \n:==>"; cin>>units[i]; } } if(units[i]<=100) { x=units[i]*0.6; tb=50+x; if(tb>300) { tb=0.15*tb+tb; } cout<<"\ncalculated bill:==>"; cout<<m<<tb; } else if(units[i]>100 && units[i]<=300) { tb=100*0.6+(units[i]-100)*0.8+50; if(tb>300) { tb=0.15*tb+tb; } cout<<"\ncalculated bill:==>"; cout<<m<<tb; } else if(units[i]>300) { tb=100*0.6+200*0.8+(units[i]-300)*0.9+50; if(tb>300) { tb=0.15*tb+tb; } cout<<"\ncalculated bill:==>"; cout<<m<<tb; } getch(); }
email address don't have any commas.....
You can use the following for an email address, just change the italicized text:Click here to send me an emailThe email address is user@yourdomain.comThe text displayed is Click here to send me an emailOr this one, to specify a Subject Line:Click here to send me an emailThe email address is user@yourdomain.comThe subject is Email Subject Here (the "%20" indicates a space between words)The text displayed is Click here to send me an email
Using the <a> tag, as you would for a normal link: <a href="example.html">Example</a> What you wanna do to make a email link, is to tell the browser to start the default email program on the visitors computer. An example of an email link could be: <a href="">Email link</a> This, however, will not start websites such as hotmail up, but will, as explained, start up your default email client, which are considered annoying by most people. To make contact easier, i would consider using a form instead. However, this above mentioned method of email linking is the correct and easy way to do it.
Email security involves measures and protocols designed to protect email communication and accounts from unauthorized access, threats, and attacks. It includes practices like using strong passwords, enabling multi-factor authentication, and employing encryption to secure email contents. Additionally, email security encompasses filtering mechanisms to detect and block spam, phishing attempts, and malware. Organizations often use security protocols such as TLS (Transport Layer Security) for encrypting email in transit and implement DMARC, SPF, and DKIM to prevent email spoofing. Regular user training on recognizing suspicious emails is also a crucial component of maintaining robust email security.
To visit Prophet TB Joshua in the church of all nations you will have to call or email them and wait for confirmation before going. Some people travel around the world just to see Joshua and go to his church.
i am not understanding what i should do to be answered on this question of how to get registered on tb joshua's prayer line
4 girls
Most of his teaching is in line with teaching of Catholic Church and contrary to protestant teachings.Almost all protestant denominations in Nigeria do not support TB Joshua very often pastors are accusing TB Joshua of being occult man..Catholic AnswerNo, TB Joshua is a Christian minister, televangelist and faith healer according to Wikipedia, he is by no means a Catholic.
Yes, his wife is Evelyn Joshua. She also ministers at The Synagogue, with a ministry of reconciliation. He also has children who can be seen among the child preachers on Emmanuel TV.
only him and God sabi