Sophie Kinsella is 40 years old. She was born on December 12, 1969.
Sophie Dee is 29 years old (birthdate: January 17, 1984).
Sophie Ellis-Bextor is 38 years old (birthdate: April 10, 1979).
Sophie B. Hawkins is 50 years old (birthdate: November 1, 1967).
They are 15.
Monk was supposed to be 42 in the first show (July 2002), his birthday being October 17, 1959. Tony Shalhoub was born on October 9, 1953. He was 48 when the show started and 56 when it ended (December, 2009).
Sophie Monk's birth name is Sophie Charlene Akland Monk.
Sophie Monk was born on December 14, 1979.
Her name is Sophie Monk.
No, Sophie Monk is not married although she was engaged to Good Charlotte's Benji Madden a few years ago.
In Bed with Carrie - 2007 Sophie Monk was released on: USA: 2007
Calendar Girl - Sophie Monk album - was created on 2003-05-05.
pen island
Sophie Monk
Sophie Monk has had small roles in a number of films, including Date Movie and Click with Adam Sandler. She is also known for her modeling.
A black Prius
$2million. She said it on radio.
Sophie Monk is 178 centimeters tall or 5 feet 10 inches