Haleigh Hurst's birth name is Haleigh Rose Hurst.
Cameron Hurst's birth name is Cameron Lane Ward Hurst.
Sir Everton Weekes is 87 years old. He was born on February 26, 1925
Geoff Ingram was born on August 16, 1989, in Garland, Texas, USA.
Yes Hunter Hurst Helmsly is back.
Sir Geoff Hurst was born on December 8, 1941.
Sir Geoff Hurst was born on December 8, 1941.
Sir Geoff Hurst
Sir Geoff Hurst.
Sir Geoff Hurst.
Geoff Hurst wore number 9.
He is Mr Hurst.
Yes Geoff Hurst has got brothers and sisters.
your not very intelligent are you? okay ill teach you... he was born in 1941 take 2010 away from 1941 so he would be 69... you genius :)
No he is alive.