Sébastien Enjolras was born on April 4, 1976 and died on May 3, 1997. Sébastien Enjolras would have been 21 years old at the time of death or 39 years old today.
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Chris Old is 69 years old (birthdate: December 22, 1948).
how old is Hesiod when he died how old is Hesiod when he died
he is 24 years-old but he is playing a 16 year-old
Sbastien Reuz has written: 'Constellations'
Sbastien Vachez has written: 'Assadienne'
Sébastien Enjolras died on May 3, 1997 at the age of 21.
Enjolras was created in 1862.
Delphin Enjolras died in 1945.
Delphin Enjolras was born in 1857.
Sébastien Enjolras was born on April 4, 1976.
Sébastien Enjolras was born on April 4, 1976.
Olivier Enjolras was born on 1971-12-28.
Sébastien Enjolras died on May 3, 1997 at the age of 21.
Cauet's birth name is Sbastien Jean Maurice Cauet.
Raymond Girard's birth name is Raymond Sbastien Girard.