She is 58 years old as of April 2011
Marilyn Maxwell was born on August 3, 1921 and died on March 20, 1972. Marilyn Maxwell would have been 50 years old at the time of death or 93 years old today.
Silent movie star Mary "Baby Marie" Osborne Yeats was 99 years old when she died on November 11, 2010 (born Helen Myres, November 5, 1911).
John Michael (Ozzy) Osbourne was born December 3rd, 1948. He is currently 61. Osbourne is ranked 8th on Hit Parader's list of the 100 Greatest Heavy Metal Vocalists of all time
Jeffrey Osborne was born on March 9, 1948
Marilyn Manson's best friend is Jorgie White aka Twiggy Ramirez
Holmes Osborne is 64 years old (birthdate: November 7, 1947).
George Osborne is 40 years old (birthdate: May 23, 1971).
Australian actress Nikki Osborne is 35 years old (birthdate: July 19, 1981).
Thomas Osborne was born on February 20, 1631 and died on July 26, 1712. Thomas Osborne would have been 81 years old at the time of death or 384 years old today.
Adam Osborne died on March 18, 2003 (aged 64).
Matt Osborne was 55 years old when he died on June 28, 2013. (birthdate: July 27, 1957)
Marilyn Bell is 73 years old (birthdate: October 19, 1937).
Marilyn Cole is 62 years old (birthdate: May 7, 1949).
Marilyn Bergman is 88 years old (birthdate: November 10, 1929).
Adam Osborne died on March 18, 2003 at the age of 64.
Thomas Osborne died on July 26, 1712 at the age of 81.