Former NFL DT and actor Roosevelt "Rosey" Grier is 85 years old (birthdate: July 14, 1932).
Will grier is 18 years old
No, David Alan Grier was born in 1955 and Pam Grier was born in 1949. That would make Pam Grier 6 years old when David Alan Grier was born.
Pam Grier has two daughters. One of her daughters is named Gwendolyn Sylvia. Her other daughter is named Clarence Ransom Grier.
Hayes Grier is a 14 year old viner, he is Nash Grier's brother. He was a part of Magcon. He is so hot and girls fangirl over him
Roosevelt Grier is 6' 5".
Roosevelt Grier goes by Rosey.
Roosevelt Grier was born on July 14, 1932.
Roosevelt Grier was born on July 14, 1932.
Click on the 'Roosevelt Grier' link on this page to read about him.
Will grier is 18 years old
No, David Alan Grier was born in 1955 and Pam Grier was born in 1949. That would make Pam Grier 6 years old when David Alan Grier was born.
Ex-NHL winger Mike Grier is 42 years old (birthdate: January 5, 1975).
Pam Grier is 57 years old and very much alive
Pam Grier has two daughters. One of her daughters is named Gwendolyn Sylvia. Her other daughter is named Clarence Ransom Grier.
According to Rosey Grier's Wikipedia page, the two are cousins. The page does not say to which degree (first cousins, second cousins, etc). answers is incorrect Pam Grier IS NOT cousins to NFL Great Rosie Grier. For more info see her new memoir, "Foxy: My Life in Three Acts"