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The characters are believed to age one year each season.

Reid was 23 in the pilot, turned 24 in season 1, and by season 10 (2014-2015), he is 33.

Actor Matthew Gray Gubler was 25 when the series debuted in September, 2005 (born March 9, 1980).

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

He's supposed to be 22-24 years old, young for the FBI.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

In the first season he is 24. He ages one year every season.

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Q: How old is Reid on Criminal Minds?
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Spencer Reid (Matthew Gray Glubber)

Who does Matthew gray gubler play in criminal minds?

He plays Dr. Spencer Reid. Dr. Reid is the youngest member of the Behavior Analysis Unit of the FBI. In the first episode of Criminal minds we learn that he has an I.Q of 187, has an Eidetic Memory and can read 20,000 words a minute. He is the most popular character on Criminal Minds.

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Ray Ban Vintage Clubmasters

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i donno. your question doesn't make sence

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Jane Lynch plays Diana Reid, Dr. Spencer Reid's mother

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Season 2 episode 17

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Spencer Reid's real name is Matthew Grey Gubler.

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Did Ellen DeGeneres play in criminal minds?

No, the person you are probably talking about is Jane Lynch who plays Reid's mother.