Iven Giffard Mackay died on 1966-09-30.
Peter Coyote is 76 years old (born Robert Peter Cohon, October 10, 1941).
Peter Hillary is 56 years old (birthdate: December 26, 1954).
Peter Sissons is 69 years old (birthdate: July 17, 1942).
Peter Abbay is 45 years old (birthdate: May 3, 1966).
Peter MacKay was born on September 27, 1965.
Peter MacKay was born on September 27, 1965.
6 foot 2
Andy Mackay is 70 years old (birthdate: July 23, 1946).
Calum MacKay was born on January 1, 1927 and died on August 21, 2001. Calum MacKay would have been 74 years old at the time of death or 88 years old today.
Donald Mackay was born on September 13, 1933 and died on July 15, 1977. Donald Mackay would have been 43 years old at the time of death or 81 years old today.
H. M. MacKay has written: 'Old Dornoch'
Calum MacKay died on August 21, 2001 at the age of 74.
Donald Mackay died on July 15, 1977 at the age of 43.
George Mackay Brown was 74 years old when he died on April 13, 1996 (birthdate: October 17, 1921).
Scott MacKay has written: 'Old scores' 'Castle Dangerous calling' -- subject(s): Children's stories
John MacKay has written: 'An old Scots brigade' -- subject(s): Great Britain, Great Britain. Army. Mackay's Regiment, Great Britain. Army. Royal Scots