Peter Coyote is 76 years old (born Robert Peter Cohon, October 10, 1941).
Peter Sissons is 69 years old (birthdate: July 17, 1942).
Peter Abbay is 45 years old (birthdate: May 3, 1966).
Peter Straub is 68 years old (birthdate: March 2, 1943).
Peter MacNicol is 63 years old (birthdate: April 10, 1954).
Sir Edmund Hillary went to the South Pole in January 1958. His son Peter would have been three years old.
Sir Edmund Hillary went to the South Pole in January 1958. His son Peter would have been three years old.
Peter Hillary was born on December 26, 1954.
Peter Hillary was born on December 26, 1954.
Edmund Hillary had three children: Peter Hillary, Sarah Hillary, and Belinda Hillary.
Her son Peter Hillary
Edmund had three children: Peter (born 1954), Sarah (born 1955) and Belinda (born 1959)
Edmund Hillary had three children, Peter, Sarah and Belinda
Peter, Sarah and Belinda
Edmund Hillary had three children: Peter (born 1954), Sarah (born 1955) and Belinda (born 1959).
Sir Edmund Hillary's children are Peter and Sarah.