Peter Harry Carstensen is 64 years old (birthdate: March 12, 1947).
Harry Newell was in the movie Peter Pan that was directed by P.J. Hogans, he looked about 12 or 13 in the movie so now I say he is about 19 or 20...
Peter Pettigrew was in the process of strangling Harry when he was reminded that because Harry had once saved his life, he owed him. The hestitation Peter showed meant the silver hand given to him by Voldemort, turned against him and he was strangled to death.
Scabbers is revealed as Peter Pettigrew in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azikaban.
Peter Coyote is 76 years old (born Robert Peter Cohon, October 10, 1941).
A silver hand is exactly as it is named, it is a hand made of pure silver. Lord Voldemort gives it to Peter Pettigrew after he cuts off his hand to put in the potion that resurrects him. Peter later dies when his silver hand strangles him to death allowing Harry Potter and his friends to escape. The hand turned on Peter because Harry had once saved Peter's life and it was his turn to repay that debt.
Peter Harry Carstensen was born on March 12, 1947.
Peter Harry Carstensen was born on March 12, 1947.
Dee Carstensen was born in 1956.
Christian Carstensen was born in 1973.
Henrik Carstensen was born in 1753.
Henrik Carstensen died in 1835.
Daryl Carstensen is 5' 11".
Margit Carstensen is 171 cm.
Stian Carstensen was born in 1971.
Hans Jacob Carstensen was born in 1965.
Jacob Carstensen was born on 1978-09-10.
H. Carstensen has written: 'Rammordnung und handesplanung'