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Montana Isgro is Mikey Fusco's girlfriend, I dunno if they broke up. :\ so yeah, that's who she is.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

same age as mikey :)

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Where is Montana isgro from?

I don't know but she is not from new jersey I think

Does nick Mara go out with Montana isgro?

No! You obviously must be confused it was Mikey Fusco that dated Montana Isgro but people say they broke up so idk(I don't know). Are you even an ICONiac??

Did Montana isgro cheat on mikey fusco?

No. She was upset cause of what people said about her.

When did mikey fusco and Montana isgro break up?

mikey fusco have a girlfriend

Is Mikey Fusco still dating his girlfriend?

yes he is...and his girlfriend is montana isgro

Does Mikey Fusco from the iconic boys have a girlfriend?

Not at the moment but,he was dating Montana Isgro.

Do the iconic girlz have a stardoll?

Sarah Smith has a stardoll (SarahSmithREAL) Nicolette Fusco(NicoletteFusco2)Montana Isgro(MontanaFusco).

What is Mikey Fusco's girlfriend's full name?

Her name is Montana Isgro and she is very beautiful!

Do the ICONicBoyz have girfriends?

Well....yes! Mikey Fusco is dating Montana Isgro. Louis DiPippa is dating Hannah Ava Girone.

Is mikey fusco dating Montana isgro?

I think so but I'm not sure I'm mean why would he she is amaizing and beautiful he desruves someone great

Does mikey fusco have or had a girlfriend?

No, He was engaged at one time but is still single.

Have mikey fusco and Montana isgro broken up?

yes but i dont know y but he is dating me selena harris well of couse in my mind but i hope he will some day.