Khalil Madovi (Josh Carter on 4' O'clock Club) is 20 years old (born November 10, 1997).
There are many individuals named Khalil. Khalil Gibran, the author of "The Prophet" is no longer living. However, there are many named Khalil, of varying ages, still alive.
US singer Khalil Sharieff, aka Khalil, is 23 years old (born November 22, 1994).
In 2014, he and Justin Bieber were arrested for street drag racing.
No Maxim Khalil is a Christian not a Muslim.
Samiha Khalil was born in 1923.
Khalil Sharieff favorite color is a light shade of blue.
K&N's stands for "Khalil and Naushaba"..Naushaba is the wife of Khalil Sattar..
Amina Khalil goes by Amy.
khalil the singer is 16 year old
Khalil Gibran - 129 years old (born 1883)Khalil Sharieff - 17 years old (born 1994)Khalil Fong - 28 years old (born 1983)
Khalil Gibran - 129 years old (born 1883)Khalil Sharieff - 17 years old (born 1994)Khalil Fong - 28 years old (born 1983)
Christel Khalil is 30 years old (born November 30, 1987).
as of 2010 khalil is 17
Khalil is 11.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Khalil Mack is 23 years old.
US actor Khalil Kain is 53 years old (born November 22, 1964).
11 years old
I know Anna was 14 when she was on the show, but I'm not sure how old Khalil is.-Thomas Coe
He's 16.