Maxim Hamel's birth name is Maxim Adolf Hamel.
Samiha Khalil was born in 1923.
Khalil Sharieff favorite color is a light shade of blue.
Maxim Karolik was born in 1893.
Maxim Lazovsky died in 2000.
No Khalil is not Muslim. He is African American & is a Christian
Khalil Fong is not a Muslim. He's a Bahai.
he has a muslim name an he IS muslim
Yes, it is a Muslim Arabic name that mean friend in English.
The cast of Rebirth - 2007 includes: Darine Hamze Maxim Khalil Paul Sleiman Ali Tahan
The cast of The Strangers - 2009 includes: Kindi Aloush Lila Atrash Maxim Khalil Oasi Khuli Paul Sleiman
The first and only Muslim of Arab descent to play in MLB was Sam Khalifa for the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1985. Padres' shortstop Khalil Greene belongs to the Baha'i Faith. The name Khalil is Arabic for 'friend'.
Pittsburgh Pirate, Sammy Khalifa, in 1982 was the first Muslim MLB. Now the San Diego Padre Khalil Green is a Baha'i.
Her father is Pakistani and her mother is African American. She is also a Christian not a Muslim like her father.
Gibran Khalil Gibran's father's name was Khalil Gibran. Gibran's full name is Gibran Khalil Gibran, with "Khalil" being his father's name.
does Khalil have a girlfriend?
Khalil is Arabic.