Joseph Jackson is 84 Years of age and Katherine is 82 Years of age.
He is 79 years old. His name is Joseph Walter Jackson.
Michael Jackson has two sons actually. Michael Jackson's oldest son is 13 years old, his name is Prince Michael Joseph Jackson I. His second son is 8 years old, his name is Prince Michael Joseph Jackson II also known as Blanket.
Hancock Lee Jackson died in 1876.
UK-born musician David Ian "Joe" Jackson is 62 years old (birthdate: August 11, 1954).Joseph W. Jackson (father of the Jackson siblings) is 88 years old (born July 26, 1928).
Joseph Jackson is 81 years old (birthdate: July 26, 1929).
Joseph Walter "Joe" Jackson born July 26, 1929.
Joseph Jackson Lister died at the age of 83 on October 24, 1869.
His name is Prince Michael Joseph Jackson. His middle name is Joseph.
Katherine Jackson is almost 79 and Joseph Jackson is almost 80.
Sigmund Esco "Jackie" Jackson was born on the 4th May 1951 which means he is 58 years old (June 09)
Chancellorsville, where he was wrong-footed by the unbeatable Lee-Jackson partnership - though at the cost of Jackson's life.
blanket Jackson is 7 Paris Jackson is 11 and Micheal Joseph jacskon is 12
Michael Joseph Jackson has been his name his entire life.
Michael Jackson has two sons actually. Michael Jackson's oldest son is 13 years old, his name is Prince Michael Joseph Jackson I. His second son is 8 years old, his name is Prince Michael Joseph Jackson II also known as Blanket.
Joseph Jackson is 84 Years of age and Katherine is 82 Years of age.