Gustavo "Gus" Carr is 34 years old (birthdate: November 16, 1983).
well at least I think
Alan Carr is 41 years old (birthdate: June 14, 1976).
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Derek Carr is 23 years old.
Gus Hansen goes by Gattling Gus, The Poker Tramp, Gamblin' Gus, Mad Gus, and The Great Dane.
Gus Carr's birth name is Gustaro V. Carr.
well at least I think
Karen Carr is 26 years old
They are if they are 13 years old.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Gus Schlosser is 25 years old.
Emily Carr was 73 when she died!
Caleb Carr is 56 years old (birthdate: August 2, 1955).
Colette Carr is 26 years old. She was born on January 6, 1991.
Austin Carr is 63 years old (birthdate: March 10, 1948).
Stephen Carr is 35 years old (birthdate: August 29, 1976).
Matthew Carr is 32 years old (birthdate: December 29, 1978).