Guðjón Valur Sigurðsson is 38 years old (birthdate: August 8, 1979).
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Chris Old is 69 years old (birthdate: December 22, 1948).
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he is 24 years-old but he is playing a 16 year-old
Valur Gíslason was born on 1977-09-08.
Björn Valur Gíslason was born in 1959.
Valur Football Club was created on 1911-05-11.
Guðjón Valur Sigurðsson was born on August 8, 1979.
Guðjón Valur Sigurðsson was born on August 8, 1979.
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The captain received a purple heart for his many acts of valor in the Afghanistan war.
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The cast of Toteninsel - 2006 includes: Valur Antonsson Starkadur Bakarson Emily Bielmann
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