Freddie didn't pick anyone but Sam kissed Freddie at the end of the episode.
Mary Sheer
she is, she kissed him through the maxy glass
Fredward "Freddie" Benson.
Freddie on iCarly was Nathan Karl Kress. Nathan Kress is 25 years old, born on November 18, 1992.
as of 2011 Nanthan Kress or "Freddie Bensen" is 18 but supposed to be 16 on iCarly.
Freddie's full name is Fredward Benson
Freddie (Nathan Kress) is 17 in real life.
He is just Freddie from ICarly but he is not Mikel Jackson has you guys think he is Freddie
Freddie Benson
He is not.
Not Ferddy, but 'FREDDIE' in iCarly. He is 17 years old and will be 18 in this November. By : Aulia Oktadiputri Listiyadhi in Indonesia follow my twitter : @AuliaListiyadhi and @kressindonesia
Sam from Icarly. Is datiing Freddie from Icarly