Emilio Estefan is 65 years old (birthdate: March 4, 1953).
He is the husband of Gloria Estefan.
Gloria Estefan is a Cuban born American singer. Her full name is Gloria María Milagrosa Fajardo Garcia de Estefan. Gloria Estefan hates the fact that her husband Emilio can be so absent minded.
Gloria Estefan is 59 years old (birthdate: September 1, 1957).
singing, dancing, focusing on her school work, she was a bit active (she wanted to lose wight so that Emilio thought she was attractive).
US actor Emilio Estevez is 55 years old (birthdate: May 12, 1962).
Lili Estefan is 175 cm.
Emilio Estefan was born on March 4, 1953.
Emilio Estefan was born on March 4, 1953.
Emilio Estefan did die in fact he died a long time ago.
YES GLORIA DID GET MARRIED TO EMILIO ESTEFAN (to find pics of them go to google-images and type in Gloria Estefan and Emilio Estefan) i don't know when though sorry They got married on Sept. 2, 1978.
Gloria Estefan's husband is Emilio Estefan, a musician and producer. They have been married since 1978 and have collaborated on many successful music projects together.
CNN World Beat - 1998 Emilio Estefan was released on: USA: 2000
No he's been married to Gloria Estefan for over 40 years and they have 2 children. Nayib, 33, and Emily 19
Gloria Estefan is a Cuban born American singer. Her full name is Gloria María Milagrosa Fajardo Garcia de Estefan. Gloria Estefan hates the fact that her husband Emilio can be so absent minded.
About 727 million , including Emilio's fortune..They are rich !!!!!!!
Mario Lopez One on One - 2012 Gloria and Emilio Estefan 1-4 was released on: USA: 6 December 2012
She owns a part of it , together with ex Marc Anthony.