US actor Emilio Estevez is 55 years old (birthdate: May 12, 1962).
Yes. Emilio Estevez is still alive.
She is the daughter of actor Martin Sheen. Sister of Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen, AKA Carlos Estevez
Janet Templeton Sheen, who also is the mother of Estevez's brother Charlie Sheen.
Emilio chose to keep the real name of his father, Martin Sheen.
Yes, according to Ms. Estevez is Emilio's sisters. It is speculated that unlike her two brothers Ms. Estevez opted to shy away from acting and opted instead to pursue a career in law.
Emilio Estevez is his real name.
US actor Emilio Estevez is 55 years old (birthdate: May 12, 1962).
Emilio Estevez was born on May 12, 1962.
Emilio Estevez was born on May 12, 1962.
His brother is Emilio Estevez.
Charlie Sheen (real name Carlos Estevez) is the brother of Emilio Estevez.
Emilio Estevez mother, Janet Sheen, was born in Dayton, Ohio, USA.
Yes. Emilio Estevez is still alive.
Charlie Sheen is the younger brother of him and Emilio Estevez And Charlie Sheen is 45 & Emilio Estevez is 48
Charlie Sheen has three siblings: Emilio Estevez, Renee Estevez, Ramon Estevez.
Emilio Estevez is the son of Martin Sheen. He has a tool of three siblings. His siblings are Charlie Sheen, Ramon Estevez , and Renee Estevez.