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Ok, no offense but u have 2 either not read the book or b rlly stupid 2 ask this. Edward was bit in 1918 b/c of the Spanish Influenza. He was 17 when that happened vampires don't change ages so he was 17 when Bella and Edward got/get married and he will b 17 from then on or 4 eternity

(Person above me, learn to check your grammar it's horrid)

Edward Cullen (Born: Edward Anthony Masen) was born June 20, 1901 he was changed at the age of 17 in 1918 by Carlisle Cullen because he was dying of the Spanish Influenza, He will always physically be 17. He got married on August 13, 2009 at 109 years old. (Information was retrieved from the "Twilight Saga" books written by Stephanie Meyers)

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Q: How old is Edward Cullen when he got married?
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