Dorothea Ackermann was born on February 12, 1752 and died on October 21, 1821. Dorothea Ackermann would have been 69 years old at the time of death or 263 years old today.
Anton Becker was born on 1915-05-30.
Maud Ackermann was born in 1965, in Berlin, Germany.
Werner Ackermann died on May 10, 1982, in Mbabane, Swasiland.
Max Ackermann was born on October 5, 1887, in Berlin, Germany.
Dorothea Harahan is 5' 2".
Dorothea Ackermann died on October 21, 1821 at the age of 69.
Dorothea Ackermann was born on February 12, 1752.
Dorothea Ackermann was born on February 12, 1752.
Dorothea Ackermann died on October 21, 1821 at the age of 69.
Rosemarie Ackermann is 59 years old (birthdate: April 4, 1952).
How old is she?Dorothea Lange died when she was 70years old
Konrad Ernst Ackermann was born on February 1, 1710 and died on November 13, 1771. Konrad Ernst Ackermann would have been 61 years old at the time of death or 305 years old today.
Louise-Victorine Ackermann was born on November 30, 1813 and died on August 2, 1890. Louise-Victorine Ackermann would have been 76 years old at the time of death or 201 years old today.
Sophie Charlotte Ackermann was born on May 10, 1714 and died on October 14, 1792. Sophie Charlotte Ackermann would have been 78 years old at the time of death or 301 years old today.
Konrad Ernst Ackermann died on November 13, 1771 at the age of 61.
Louise-Victorine Ackermann died on August 2, 1890 at the age of 76.
Sophie Charlotte Ackermann died on October 14, 1792 at the age of 78.