Morris Chestnut is 48 years old (birthdate: January 1, 1969).
Garrett Morris is 77 years old (birthdate: February 1, 1937).
Violette Morris was born on April 18, 1893 and died on April 26, 1944. Violette Morris would have been 51 years old at the time of death or 122 years old today.
Darryl McDaniels is 53 years old (birthdate: May 31, 1964).
Morris Day is his real name. That was the name he was given at birth.
James Morris. Nicknamed after his love of the "Ciscoe Kid"
James Morris. Nicknamed after his love of the "Ciscoe Kid"
No, Ciscoe Morris is not Scottish. He is an American horticulturist and television personality known for his gardening expertise.
Saturday, March 24th, 2012, he posted an article to the Seattle Times.
He could have some of the soft signs of Parkinson's. I was wondering if he is drug affected, whether from routine use in the past or current usage.
There is no answer written here.
Alex Morris is 17 yrs old
Old Tom Morris was born on June 16, 1821.
Old Tom Morris was born on June 16, 1821.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Bryan Morris is 27 years old.